queens dwi defense lawyer

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Every client that hires a Queens DWI lawer asks, what should I say when I get to court. The answer is nothing. The job of speaking to the Court is only that of the DWI attorney. Here are some basic rules that should be followed every time you attend court in your Queens DWI case:

1. Arrive to court early, around 8:30am. You must go through the metal detectors and on a busy day this could take an hour.

2. Dress comfortably but respectfully. A suit and tie is not required but be neat.

3. Never speak in open court. Everything you say is written down forever. Your Queens Criminal Defense lawyer will speak for you.

4. Bring any documents that your lawyer asks you to bring.

5. Be respectful to all court staff and especially be respectful of the judge.


If you follow these simple steps, your court appearance in Queens Criminal Court will be less stressful and you will not bring additional problems to your case. If you have been charged with a DWI case in Queens, New York, call The Law Offices of Michael S. Discioarro, LLC at 917-519-8417, and let us go to court with you.